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Name of the Days in Bahasa

Name the days in Bahasa Indonesia
Name the days in Bahasa Indonesia

How To Name the days in Bahasa Indonesia?

There are seven days in the week. We usually work five days of those seven days. These days are called ‘the working week’ or in bahasa we call it ‘Hari kerja’. Many people take two days off work and we call these days as ‘the weekend’ or in bahasa we call it ‘hari libur’. Monday or Senin is usually the first day of the week. Sunday or Minggu is considered a day of rest. In english, for saying days we use the prepostion ‘on’ . But in Indonesia, just use the prepostion ‘Hari’. So if you want to say days of the week, let’s say :

Hari senin, hari selasa, hari rabu, hari kamis, hari jumat, hari sabtu, hari minggu.

Here, I’ll give you the Days’ Vocabularies :

Hari Kerja
Senin  (Monday)
Selasa (Tuesday)
Rabu (Wednesday)
Kamis (Thursday)
Jumat (Friday)

Hari Libur
Sabtu (Saturday)
Minggu (Sunday)

Note! Important Vocabularies!
kemarin dulu/kemarin lusa. (the day before yesterday)
kemarin (yesterday)
hari ini (today)
besok (tomorrow)
lusa (the day after tomorrow)

Example :
Kami selalu pergi ke gym setiap hari Sabtu. (We always go to gym on Saturday)
Hari apa hari ini? OR Hari ini hari apa? (What day is it today?)
Hari apa kemarin? Kemarin hari apa? (What day was it yesterday?)
Hari apa besok? Besok hari apa?(What day is it tomorrow?)
Hari ini hari Minggu.(Today is Sunday)
Kemarin hari Sabtu.(Yesterday was Saturday.)
Kemarin dulu hari Jumat. (The day before yesterday was Friday.)
Besok hari Senin.(Tomorrow is Monday.)
Lusa hari Selasa.(The day after tomorrow is Tuesday.)
Besok sore (Tomorrow late afternoon)
Pada hari Minggu pagi (On Sunday morning)
Sabtu malam (Saturday night)
Hari ini hari Senin tanggal 12 Mei.(Today is Monday 12 May)
Hari Minggu adalah hari libur. (Sunday is holiday.)

I think that’s all for me. You have any question? Please tell me by comment bellow.  And make sure to see another articles : 

Have a nice day! (^-^)/

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