Name Parts of Your Body!
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parts of body in bahasa Indonesia |
How Can I Name Parts of Body in Bahasa?
Come on!
How many parts of your body, can you name?
Kepala? Pundak , Lutut , Kaki , Lutut, Kaki? LOL. If you are Indonesian, you’ll know … that’s kind of some song. Kepala…pundak.Lutut-Kaki.Lutut-Kaki! Ah, you shoulda heard my cute voice when I sing that! LOL.
Okay. For you, those who don’t know how to name parts of your body. I’ll help you out. Here we are, the vocabularies of parts of you body! (And how you spell/read it )
1. Forehead : Dahi, jidat
2. Eye : Mata (Ma-ta)
3. Eyebrows : Alis (a-lis)
4. Eyelash : Bulumata (bu-lu-ma-ta)
5. Nose : Hidung (hi-dung)
6. Moustache : Kumis (Ku-mis)
7. Cheek : Pipi (pi-pi)
8. Lips : Bibir (bi-bir)
9. Tooth/teeth : Gigi (gi-gi)
10. Chin : Janggut (Jang-gut)
11. Beard : Jenggot (Jeng-got)
12. Ear : Telinga (Te-li-nga)
13. Skin : Kulit (Ku-lit)
14. Temple : Pelipis (pe-li-pis)
15. Head : Kepala (ke-pa-la)
16. Hair : Rambut (ram-but)
17. Neck : Leher (le-her)
18. Throat : Tenggorokan (teng-go-ro-kan)
19. Shoulder : Pundak, bahu (pun-dak / ba-hu)
20. Hand : Tangan (ta-ngan)
21. Finger : Jari (ja-ri)
22. Nail : Kuku (ku-ku)
23. Thumb : Jempol (jem-pol)
24. Arm : Lengan (le-ngan)
25. Wrist : Pergelangan Tangan (per-ge-la-ngan Tang-an)
26. Elbow : Siku (si-ku)
27. Bust/Chest : Dada (da-da)
28. Breast : Payudara (pa-yu-da-ra)
29. Stomach : Perut (pe-rut)
30. Hips : Pinggul (ping-gul)
31. Waist : Pinggang (ping-gang)
32. Bottom/Ass : Pantat (pan-tat)
33. Leg : Kaki (ka-ki)
34. Thigh : Paha (pa-ha)
35. Knee : Lutut (lu-tut)
36. Foot : Kaki (ka-ki)
37. Heel : Tumit (tu-mit)
38. Ankle : Pergelangan Kaki (per-ge-la-ngan ka-ki)
39. Toes : Jari-jari kaki (ja-ri ja-ri ka-ki)
40. Side : Pinggang (ping-gang)
41. Back : Punggung (pung-gung)
42. Heart : Jantung (jan-tung)
43. Brain : Otak (o-tak)
44. Blood : Darah (da-rah)
45. Lungs : Paru-paru (pa-ru pa-ru)
46. Liver : Hati
47. Intestine : Usus
48. Kidney : Ginjal
49. Muscle : Otot
50. Nerve : Urat/Syaraf
Yuhuuuu, you got 50 new vocabularies! Congratulation!
I’ll give you some tips. Because you know, body is one of the most important thing in our life, we shoulda take care of our own body first. In case you got some problem with you body, and you want some help from Indonesian, you shoulda know this s thing. Check this out!
Kakiku sakit. (I got problem with my foot)
Kaki = foot . Ku = my . Sakit =in pain/painful/sickness.
Sakit ? Yes, that’s such an amazing word actually. When you said “Ah, sakit!” I’m sure Indonesian will ask you in case you need their help. Trust me it’s work!
Make sure read another of my articles here!
See yaaa~~
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