Indonesian Religion
What is Indonesia's Religion?
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Indonesia Religion |
Indonesia recognizes six official religions, which are Islam, Catholicsm, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confuciandism. There’s a rule that, every Indonesian is required to embrace ONLY ONE of these religions which is mentioned in official documents such as passports and other identification cards.
Just wanna make sure you know that Atheism is not an option
in Indonesia’s religions. Therefore, those who are atheism in fact -
constitutes a socially unacceptable ideology in the country. Wait, what is the
Indonesian’s ideology ? Right! Pancasila!
The first sila (sentences) in Pancasila is … “Ketuhanan
yang Maha Esa” it’s mean you shoulda acknowledge that there’s a God that make
create all of the things in this world. Well, of course we have different perspectif
about God, but we must have one relligion to belief with. That’s the rule in
Indonesia. That’s why Indonesia aint knowledge Atheism. J
Okay then, let’s see Indonesia relligion.
The religious systems found in Indonesia are comprised of a
wide variety of beliefs with 80% of the population claiming to be Muslim.
Indonesia is considered to be the largest Muslim country in the world.
Moslem belief in Allah as the only one God and prophet
Muhammad as the messanger of God. Moslem practice salah (sholat) five times a
day. That’s why it’s pretty easy to heard adzan and find mosque in Indonesia. J Remember, we are
muslim country ;)
in Indonesia consist of Catholicsm and Protestantism. Actually they both
believe on one God in the three dimention, they call it Bapa (God), Putra
(Jesus, God whom transform into human), and Roh Kudus (God in your heart). The
difference between Catholicsm and Protestantism are :
Catholicsm knowledge Paus as the leader, while
Protestantism not.
Catholicsm make the cross mark before and after
pray, while Protestantism not.
Catholicsm permitted to use statue of Jesus,
Maria, Angels, while Protestantism forbid it. Protestantism thinks that use
statue make you idolate.
Christianity is the second-largest religion in Indonesia,
albeit relatively small compared to the Islam.
Of all official religions Hinduism has the longest history
in the archipelago. However, on most Indonesian islands this chapter in its
history has been erased by time or conquest. The only exception being the
island of Bali. Until the present day most inhabitants of this island (known as
'island of the Gods') practice Balinese Hinduism. Besides Bali's beautiful
countryside and beaches, this Balinese Hinduism is a major reason for tourists
to visit the island.
Buddhism is a nontheistic religion or philosophy that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual
practices largely based on teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha, commonly
known as the Buddha ("the awakened one").
Hinduism is about understanding Brahma, existence, from within the Atman, which roughly means "self" or "soul," whereas Buddhism is about finding theAnatman — "not soul" or "not self." In Hinduism, attaining the highest life is a process of removing the bodily distractions from life, allowing one to eventually understand the Brahma nature within. In Buddhism, one follows a disciplined life to move through and understand that nothing in oneself is "me," such that one dispels the very illusion of existence. In so doing, one realizes Nirvana.
Confucianism has held an ambiguous and changing place in the
official acceptance of Indonesian religions in Indonesia. Confucianism in most other parts of the world is seen more
as a ‘belief’ or a ‘philosophy’ than a religion.
There also exists a set of practices common to many of the
religious currents” (“aliran keagamaan”) which includes patterns of fasting,
ascetic labor, communal meals, prayer for the dead, and the keeping of relics. Indonesia
does not have a state religion but there is a legal system to regulate varying
beliefs. The State recognizes only 6 faith categories and each religion must
fall under one of these in order to be legally practiced.
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